Hey there 👋

For our season 1 token distribution we're going to be using Coordinape, click to find out what it is and why.

In order to navigate around some of the criticisms of Coordinape (time recency bias, or weighted to those having the loudest voice) we've create a **googlesheets** where you can self document your contributions whether big or small at any time in the season.

This googlesheet will also be linked to the miro docs each working group is creating in, so you can easily find and add to it after sessions.

<aside> 📌 You can also find ways to get involved through the Community task list - which outlines the projects the community has on.


Every week, or whenever you create some value for the Protein community, add it to the document; this could be welcoming new members all the way up to building out a governance framework.


Screenshot 2021-11-24 at 10.44.45.png

Screenshot 2021-11-24 at 10.44.55.png

<aside> 💡 The intention is to do this in a permissionless way, it's up to you how you document your value creation, just keep it short, too the point and @ anyone who you've worked with.


At the end of the season, the working team leads will turn the contributor's list into a 'circle' for coordinape voting and members can refer back to this doc to allocate 'votes'.

If there's any way you think the process can be improved, reach out to the governance team in #governance or #suggestions